+32 (0)53 41 39 79‬ info@nanogrid.com

Legal Information


Article 1 – General provisions

  1. These general terms and conditions apply to all quotations and contracts of the Private Limited Company nanoGrid (hereinafter referred to as “nanoGrid”), which has its registered office at 9320 Erembodegem, Churchillsteenweg 17 and with KBO no. 0847.312.618, unless expressly stipulated otherwise in writing.
  2. These general terms and conditions apply to all work that the client (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Client’) may request from nanoGrid (studies, engineering of electrical installations, supply of products and provision of services for energy monitoring, provision of software services via a web-based platform, etc.).
  3. nanoGrid’s terms and conditions also apply to additional work.
  4. nanoGrid’s general terms and conditions shall take priority over the general and/or other terms and conditions of the Client.


Article 2 – Contractual amendments

nanoGrid reserves the right to amend these general terms and conditions at its sole discretion and will notify the Client thereof. Amendments shall be effective for all contracts concluded after this notification.


Article 3 – Quotations, price offers and orders

  1. Quotations may not be communicated to third parties without the prior written authorisation of nanoGrid.
  2. A contract between both parties shall only be binding if the quotation, in whatever form (e-mail, fax, etc.), may have been approved and signed by the Client, and is received by nanoGrid during the period in which the quotation is valid. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the terms and conditions of the quotation shall remain valid until one month after the date of dispatch of the quotation.
  3. Kilometer allowance is not included in standard offers and will be added at standard market conform rates.
  4. All additional work shall be carried out in mutual consultation. By ‘additional work’ is understood anything performed by nanoGrid during the execution of the contract that exceeds the work explicitly stipulated in the contract or the order confirmation including but not limited to additional work due to: (a) negligence on the part of the Client and/or his contractors in the execution or planning of the work, (b) due to the actions of the Client and/or third parties, (c) due to inaccessibility of the workplace or techniques, (d) due to preparatory works not executed by the Client as agreed (e) due to roadworks or location of the buildings that prevent normal access.
  5. From year 4 onward, a battery warranty fee will be added as a full omnium guarantee for battery status follow-up and replacement.
  6. A standard nanoGrid installation does not require any inspection. If the nature of the work is such that an inspection is deemed necessary, the costs thereof shall be borne by nanoGrid.
  7. All prices and fees are adjusted annually on January 1st according to the following formula:
    P1 = P0 x [t + (1-t x S1/S0)] where:
    P1 = amount at date of invoice;
    P0 = amount at the date of the contract proposal;
    S1 = New Agoria index: the Agoria index applicable in December preceding the indexation date;
    S0 = Agoria base index: the Agoria index applicable to the month preceding the entry into force of the contract.t = 0.6 in the case of a lease and; 0.2 in the case of a sales-related service contract.


    Agoria index: Agoria Index National Average Salaries, available at www.agoria.be.


Article 4 – Implementation deadlines & delivery

  1. The implementation and delivery deadlines of the works and products are purely indicative, unless a formal delivery date is explicitly stipulated in the contract. The delivery deadline starts as soon as nanoGrid is in possession of the necessary documents for the delivery or provision of the ordered products or services.
  2. If no delivery deadline has been agreed, nanoGrid shall undertake to deliver the work to the Client within the reasonable period that is customary.
  3. The delivery deadlines specified by nanoGrid are always non-binding. However, nanoGrid shall make every effort to observe these deadlines to the best of its ability.
  4. Failure to meet the delivery deadline, for whatever reason, shall never entitle the Client to compensation for damages, nor entail the dissolution of the agreement or non-fulfilment of its obligations.
  5. Delivery shall take place as soon as log-in data have been provided, the Client can log in successfully and the measurement data have been validated by nanoGrid.
  6. Partial delivery is permitted.


Article 5 – Assembly / Acceptance testing

  1. If the parties have agreed on the assembly of the goods, the Client shall be responsible for the correct and timely execution of all facilities, provisions and/or conditions necessary for the assembly and installation of these goods.
  2. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1, the Client shall, in any event and at its own risk and expense, ensure that:
  3. Upon arrival at the installation site, nanoGrid’s appointees can commence and continue their work during normal working hours;
  4. The access routes to the installation site are suitable for the required transport;
  5. The installation site is suitable for assembly and storage and provides the required, lockable places for materials, tools, etc;
  6. All necessary safety and precautionary measures have been taken and are being maintained.
  7. Any damages and costs arising because of the conditions set out in this article not being met (on time) shall be borne by the Client.
  8. The data and information in the datasets, which are provided and / or used to control techniques, are collected from various sources, including physical measurement points at different locations. These datasets are intended for use by individuals with technical skill and knowledge in energy management and data management. Although the information is provided in good faith and to the best of our knowledge, deviations are possible.

Neither nanoGrid nor any of its appointees makes any warranty, express or implied, including any warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, or accepts any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information provided. While every effort is made to ensure data quality, data is provided “as is”. In no event will nanoGrid be liable for any incidental, indirect, consequential or special damages of any kind, including but not limited to damages resulting from loss of profit, loss of contracts, goodwill or business relationships, arising from the use of the data.


Article 6 – Payments

  1. The services and products shall be invoiced to the Client as specified in the quotation. A revisable quotation will be issued to the Client in the event of a deviation from the proposed work schedule. nanoGrid’s invoices are payable at the registered office 8 days after the invoice date, unless agreed otherwise in writing.
  2. The Client authorizes nanoGrid to submit the invoices in digital format. However, these digital invoices shall remain retrievable in a readable format and shall be delivered within a reasonable period.
  3. Invoices that have not been paid after the due date will be increased, automatically and without prior formal notice, by the legal interest rate as determined in accordance with the Belgian Law of 2 August 2002 on combating late payment in commercial transactions (wet 2 augustus 2002 betreffende de bestrijding van de betalingsachterstand bij handelstransacties / Loi 2 août 2002 concernant la lutte contre le retard de paiement dans les transactions commerciales) and damages amounting to 10% with a minimum of 250 EUR.
  4. In the event of non-payment on the due date, nanoGrid reserves the right to either suspend the fulfilment of its obligations after prior notice of default, or to dissolve the agreement in its entirety or for the part still to be executed after a registered notice of default and without judicial intervention.
  5. Without prejudice to the other rights to which nanoGrid is entitled, it shall be authorized, in the case where the Client fails to fulfil (on time) its payment obligations towards nanoGrid, and after prior notice of default and without judicial intervention, to dismantle the goods supplied by nanoGrid and attached to movable or immovable property on demand and to take possession of them without compromising the operation of the Client’s installations. To this end, the Client will provide nanoGrid with the necessary access to her/his premises.


Article 7 – Complaints

  1. Complaints must reach nanoGrid within 10 working days after the delivery date. Failing this, it is assumed that the delivery or provision of the goods or services has been accepted.
  2. Any disputes between the Client and nanoGrid shall under no circumstances entitle the Client to suspend payments.


Article 8 – Termination of the contract

  1. The subscription for nanoGrid services has a standard duration of 5 years. It shall be tacitly renewed for successive one-year periods after this 5-year period, unless notice of termination is given by registered letter at least one month before the expiry date. This contract may be terminated earlier by the Client after 1 year, subject to 6-month prior written notice sent via registered letter.
  2. The Client may unilaterally terminate the contract if it compensates nanoGrid for all expenses and labour and for everything that nanoGrid could have gained from the assignment (Art. 1794 of the Old Civil Code) without prejudice to nanoGrid’s right to ask additional damages or interests.
  3. nanoGrid may terminate the contract without notice and with immediate effect if (i) the Client is declared bankrupt; (ii) the Client has been put into provisional liquidation; (iii) all or part of the Client’s assets have been seized by third parties as a protective measure or with a writ of execution; (iv) the Client does not respect its obligations; (v) the solvency of the Client is impaired in some other way, with the result that continuity of service cannot be guaranteed; (vi) the Client is the subject of a merger, division or any similar transaction or (vii) should the force majeure interruption exceed thirty (30) calendar days.
  4. Either party may terminate this contract by written notice to the other party if the other party materially breaches this contract and fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of a default notice. Either party may terminate this contract by written notice to the other party, effective as of the date of delivery of such notice, if the other party becomes the subject of a voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy, insolvency or similar proceeding or otherwise liquidates or ceases to do business.
  5. Upon termination of the contract by nanoGrid, an agreement will be drawn up by mutual consent, in which the final settlement and termination conditions will be specified.
  6. In any case, upon termination of the contract for whatever reason, the Client will cease to use the goods supplied by nanoGrid and shall provide nanoGrid with access to her/his premises to remove those goods. This removal of goods may be subject to a dismantling fee.


Article 9 – Information, Privacy and Copyright

  1. The Client agrees to provide nanoGrid with all information (all available ‘as-built’ information such as plans, technical documents, product information, previous proposals of equipment, etc.) that nanoGrid deems necessary or useful for the execution of the order. nanoGrid agrees to use this information solely for that purpose.
  2. The Client and nanoGrid are obliged to maintain mutual confidentiality regarding the content of all documents and information that they entrust to each other in the context of the execution of the work.
  3. All reports, drawings, software, programs, calculations, descriptions, models, tools, and documents resulting from the assignment remain the (intellectual) property of nanoGrid, even if fees have already been billed for them. The Client may only make use of the knowledge and information made available to him after full payment of the invoices and within the limits of the specific assignment.
  4. The copyright and all other intellectual or industrial property rights to all software, analyses, designs, documents, reports, quotations, as well as any preparatory documents for them, are vested exclusively in nanoGrid or its licensors.
  5. The Client only acquires a personal, limited, non-exclusive, and non-transferable right of use of the software for the duration of the contract. The Client shall not (re)sell, rent out, share, decompile, reverse-engineer, duplicate, or make copies of the software or other materials, except for permitted back-up purposes.
  6. The Client shall treat the software made available as confidential information of nanoGrid and shall keep it confidential.
  7. nanoGrid is always allowed, even after termination of the contract, to use data generated in execution of the contract insofar as this data cannot be linked to the Client so that it can reasonably be considered anonymized data.
  8. nanoGrid shall not be liable for any costs, damages, and interest that may arise as a direct or indirect result of any infringement of patents, licenses, or other rights of third parties resulting from the use of data provided by the Client.


Article 10 – Representations, warranties and obligations of the Client

Client represents, warrants and undertakes:

  1. that it has the right and authority, and where necessary, has secured all necessary permissions for nanoGrid to install monitoring devices, access any metering equipment and to collect and process data for the purpose of the contract;
  2. to allow and not to hinder the absolute right of the nanoGrid, its affiliates and their employees and authorised representatives, to periodically verify the correct and proper use of the software in accordance with nanoGrid’s terms of use. It is understood that if nanoGrid discovers evidence of incorrect or improper use of the software by the Client, or if such usage exceeds any limitations reasonably imposed by nanoGrid, nanoGrid may, in its sole discretion, remove data and/or disable access to the software for any period that it deems appropriate or take such other action as nanoGrid deems appropriate, all without prior notice to Client;
  3. to immediately notify nanoGrid of any unauthorized use of the software or any other known or suspected breach of security.


Article 11 – Upgrades

Upgrading software versions can have undesired side effects. For instance, certain bugs that did not occur in the previous version or did not cause any problems may suddenly manifest themselves. nanoGrid shall undertake reasonable efforts to resolve this within a reasonable time frame.


Article 12 – Liability, Compensation and Security

  1. Immediately following delivery of the goods or the most important parts thereof, the Client shall bear the risk for all direct and indirect damage caused by third parties to or by these goods or parts. The hardware, sensors, and devices installed by nanoGrid shall always remain the property of nanoGrid. The Client shall ensure that no third parties cause any damage to the equipment and that the equipment remains connected as initially installed.
  2. Defective goods or parts covered by the warranty will be repaired or replaced by nanoGrid, whether or not at nanoGrid’s premises, or by shipping a part to be replaced, in all cases at nanoGrid’s discretion. For settlement of additional works and unforeseen interventions of which the cause lies with the Client, the rates as mentioned in the quotation shall apply.
  3. With regard to the services provided:
    1. Data Privacy and GDPR Compliance: nanoGrid shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the Client’s data, complying with relevant data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
    2. Insurance Coverage: nanoGrid carries liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance to protect both parties in case of unforeseen events or damages.
    3. Dispute Resolution: In case of disputes, both parties agree to first attempt to resolve them through mediation or arbitration before resorting to litigation.
    4. Compliance with Industry Standards: nanoGrid commits to maintaining compliance with relevant industry standards, certifications, or best practices applicable to its services, ensuring quality and reliability.
    5. Customer Support and SLAs: nanoGrid shall provide timely customer support and adhere to service level agreements (SLAs) agreed upon with clients, ensuring accountability and transparency in service delivery.
    6. Limitation of Liability: The maximum liability of nanoGrid arising out of this contract shall not in any event exceed the fees paid by the Client to nanoGrid during the preceding twelve (12) month period, except in case of fraud or willful misconduct.
    7. Exclusion of Consequential Damages: In no event will either party have any liability to the other party for any consequential or incidental losses, including but not limited to lost profits, loss of business, loss of use or of data, any unauthorized access to, alteration, theft or destruction of Client’s or its trading partners’ computers, computer systems, data files, programs or information, or costs of procurement of substitute goods or services, or for any indirect, special or consequential damages however caused and under any theory of liability and whether or not such party has been advised of the possibility of such damage.


Article 13 – Hardship

All circumstances that were reasonably unforeseeable and unavoidable at the conclusion of the contract, which would make the performance of the contract financially or otherwise more onerous or difficult than normally foreseen, shall entitle the party whose obligation is affected by unforeseeable circumstances to request the renegotiation of the contract. If, after a period of 30 days, the renegotiation has not been initiated or has not led to a solution, the party whose obligation is affected by the unforeseeable circumstances may apply to the competent court in accordance with Article 5.74 of the Civil Code.


Article 14 – Force majeure

Whilst nanoGrid will use all reasonable endeavours to fulfil its contractual obligations hereunder, neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance, except for the obligation to pay monies due and owing,  due to events outside the defaulting party’s reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of God, pandemics, earthquakes, lightning, hail, labour disputes, industry-wide shortages of supplies, actions of governmental entities, riots, war, terrorism or threats of terrorism, fire, epidemics, or delays of common carriers or other circumstances beyond its reasonable control. The obligations and rights of the defaulting party shall be extended for a period equal to the period during which such event prevented such party’s performance.


Article 15 – Severability

In the event any provision of these general terms and

conditions shall be deemed to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The parties agree to replace any invalid provision with a valid provision, which most closely approximates the intent and economic effect of the invalid provision.


Article 16 – Territorial jurisdiction – Applicable law

Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of East-Flanders, section Dendermonde.

All agreements between nanoGrid and the Client shall be subject to Belgian law except for its private international law. The application of the United Nations Convention On Contracts For The International Sale of Goods (1980) is hereby explicitly excluded.


Article 1 – Welcome

We are nanoGrid, a Private Limited Company, with headquarters in Churchillsteenweg 17, B-9320 Erembodegem, with the company number BE0847 312 618.

In this Privacy Policy, we explain what personal data we collect as ‘controller’ and how we use and share this data to improve our services.

This Privacy Policy is an integral part of our General Terms and Conditions.


Article 2 – Personal data

The limited amount of personal data which we may store shall be collected in the following ways:

  1. Website: when you visit our website, certain information shall be registered via cookies (e.g. your IP-address) in order to manage and improve our website. You may find more information on these cookies in our Cookie Policy;
  2. Business relations: When you contact us regarding our services as a (potential) customer or partner, we process your full name, contact details (e-mail address, telephone number, office and/or residential address), and other information necessary for the order, invoicing or collaboration (such as your bank details, contact history or information regarding your previous orders);
  3. Marketing: if you give us your explicit approval, we shall process your full name and e-mail address, for direct marketing, sending newsletters, offers and promotions about our products and services. You can always unsubscribe at any time.
  4. Sourcing, selection, recruiting and employment: When you apply for a job at nanoGrid, we will process your full name, date of birth, education background, history of employment, contact details, (e-mail address, telephone number, residential address), as well as any other information, necessary for recruitment and employment purposes. Personal data of applicants will be kept for 1 year.

Although you are never obliged to give us your personal data, a refusal to provide the necessary data may hinder or make it impossible for us to provide our services.


Article 3 – Purposes for processing

We process your personal data as part of our general customer and order management or in order to provide our services. This includes customer administration, following up on orders and deliveries, invoicing, answering questions and for marketing purposes.

The processing takes place on the basis of the following types of legal bases:

  1. Based on your approval;
  2. If it is necessary for implementing the Agreement;
  3. If it is necessary in order to comply to a legal obligation;
  4. In order to protect your vital interests or those of others;
  5. In order to complete a task of general interest;
  6. If it is necessary for the defence of our legal interests to conduct business.

Insofar as the processing of personal data takes place on the basis of your explicit approval, you still have the right to withdraw your approval.


Article 4 – Sharing with third parties

If this is necessary in order to achieve the aforementioned purposes, we may share your personal data with employees and our professional partners. Our partners shall in turn take the necessary technical and organisational measures in order to protect this personal data.

We shall never commercialise your personal data by transferring it to third parties. However, in the case of a possible reorganisation, bankruptcy or the transfer of activities, the data which is part of our company activities may be transferred to third parties.

In certain cases, we may be obliged to transfer your personal data on the basis of a court order or a binding legislation, such as part of fraud prevention or security issues, or in order to protect our rights.


Article 5 – Storage period

We shall process and store the personal data for as long as is necessary in order to accomplish the aforementioned purposes, according to our contractual relationship, to comply with legal requirements, or as part of a standard retention mechanism which is reasonably limited in time (back-ups).


Article 6 – Your rights

All individuals whose personal data we store have the right to:

  1. Access their personal data;
  2. To correct or complete their personal data if this is incorrect or incomplete;
  3. To have their personal data deleted;
  4. To limit the processing of their personal data;
  5. To oppose the processing of their personal data for a serious and legitimate reason;
  6. To have their data transferred to another company.

To exercise the aforementioned rights, you can contact us by post or via info@nanogrid.com. Upon receiving your request, we must be able to verify your identity.


Article 7 – Complaints

If you have any comments or questions about our Privacy Policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

All individuals whose personal data we store also have the right to enter a complaint to the Commission for the Protection of Privacy (Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel, commission@privacycommission.be).


Article 8 – Security

We apply the standard technical and organisational measures which may be reasonably expected of us in order to protect your personal data against destruction, loss, changes, counterfeit, distribution or illegal access.

Personal data shall only be passed on to a partner in a country outside the European Economic Area if the country guarantees appropriate security levels for your personal data. Before sharing personal data with a partner in the United States of America, we require a separate processing agreement or a certification in accordance with the Privacy Shield Framework (www.privacyshield.gov).

We may not be held liable for the misuse or illegal use of personal data by a third party. Furthermore, you remain responsible for the confidentiality and the use of your computer, IP address, login and identification data.


Article 9 – Your privacy

Your privacy is important to us.

We also do everything within our power to protect this and the legal compliance with the following is very important to us: (i) the Law from 8 December 1992 to protect the personal privacy regarding the processing of personal data (as amended by the Law of December 1998, “Law on Processing Personal Data”); (ii) the anti-spam provisions from Book XII of the Economic Justice Code regarding the right of the electronic economy; and (iii) the European Regulation 2016/679 from 27 April 2016 regarding the protection of personal data (“General Data Protection Regulation”).



Artikel 1 – Welkom

Wij zijn nanoGrid®, een BV met hoofdzetel in Churchillsteenweg 17, B-9320 Erembodegem, met ondernemingsnummer BE0847 312 618.

In dit Privacybeleid leggen we uit welke persoonlijke informatie wij als ‘verwerkingsverantwoordelijke’ verzamelen en hoe wij deze gebruiken en delen om onze dienstverlening te verbeteren.

Dit Privacybeleid maakt integraal deel uit van onze Algemene Voorwaarden.


Artikel 2 – Persoonsgegevens

De beperkte persoonsgegevens die wij bewaren worden verzameld op de volgende manieren:

  1. Website: bij een bezoek aan onze website, worden bepaalde gegevens geregistreerd via cookies (waaronder uw IP-adres) voor het verzorgen en verbeteren van onze website. Meer informatie omtrent deze cookies kan u vinden in ons afzonderlijk Cookiebeleid;
  2. Zakenrelatie: wanneer u ons contacteert in het kader van onze diensten als (potentiële) klant of partner, verwerken wij uw volledige naam, contactgegevens (e‑mailadres, telefoonnummer, kantoor- en/of woonadres), en andere gegevens noodzakelijk voor de bestelling, facturatie of samenwerking (zoals uw bankgegevens, contactgeschiedenis, of gegevens met betrekking tot uw eerdere bestellingen);
  3. Marketing: als u ons hiervoor expliciete toestemming verleent, verwerken wij uw volledige naam en e‑mailadres, voor het toezenden van direct marketing, nieuwsbrieven, acties en promoties omtrent onze producten en diensten. U kan zich altijd op eenvoudige wijze hiervoor uitschrijven.
  4. Selectie, aanwerving en tewekstelling: Wanneer u solliciteert voor een baan bij nanoGrid, verwerken en registeren wij volgende data: uw volledige naam, uw geboortedatum, uw opleidingsachtergrond, uw loopbaanoverzicht, uw contactgegevens, (e-mailadres, telefoonnummer, persoonlijk adres), alsook alle andere informatie die noodzakelijk is voor de aanwerving en de tewerkstelling. Persoonlijke gegevens van sollicitanten worden 1 jaar bewaard.

Hoewel u nooit verplicht bent om persoonsgegevens vrij te geven, kan een weigering om noodzakelijke informatie mee te delen het verlenen van onze diensten belemmeren of onmogelijk maken.


Artikel 3 – Verwerkingsdoeleinden

Wij verwerken persoonsgegevens in het kader van ons algemeen klanten- en orderbeheer, of om onze diensten te kunnen leveren. Dit betreft onder meer de klantenadministratie, het opvolgen van bestellingen en leveringen, de facturatie, het beantwoorden van vragen, en voor marketingdoeleinden.

De verwerking vindt plaats op basis van de volgende categorieën van rechtsgronden:

  1. Op basis van uw toestemming;
  2. Uit noodzakelijk voor de uitvoering van een overeenkomst;
  3. Uit noodzakelijk om te voldoen aan een wettelijke verplichting;
  4. Om uw vitale belangen of deze van een andere persoon te beschermen;
  5. Voor de vervulling van een taak van algemeen belang;
  6. Uit noodzakelijk voor de behartiging van onze gerechtvaardigde belangen om te ondernemen.

Voor zover de verwerking van persoonsgegevens plaatsvindt op basis van uw uitdrukkelijke toestemming, heeft u steeds het recht om de gegeven toestemming terug in te trekken.


Artikel 4 – Delen met derden

Indien dit noodzakelijk is voor de verwezenlijking van de vooropgestelde doeleinden, kunnen wij persoonsgegevens delen met werknemers en onze professionele partners. Onze partners zullen op hun beurt de nodige technische en organisatorische maatregelen nemen om deze persoonsgegevens te beschermen.

Wij zullen uw persoonsgegevens nooit commercialiseren naar derden toe. In het kader van een eventuele reorganisatie, faillissement of overdracht van activiteiten, kunnen gegevens die deel uitmaken van onze bedrijfsactiviteiten evenwel aan derden worden overgedragen.

In beperkte gevallen kunnen wij ook verplicht worden om persoonsgegevens te delen op basis van een gerechtelijk bevel of dwingende wetgeving, zoals in het kader van fraudebestrijding of beveiligingsproblemen, of om onze rechten te beschermen.


Artikel 5 – Bewaarperiode

De persoonsgegevens worden door ons verwerkt en bewaard gedurende een redelijke termijn die noodzakelijk is voor de verwezenlijking van de vooropgestelde doeleinden, in functie van onze contractuele relatie, om aan wettelijke vereisten te voldoen, of in het kader van gebruikelijke retentiemechanismen die redelijkerwijs beperkt zijn in tijd (back-ups).


Artikel 6 – Uw rechten

Alle personen waarvan wij persoonsgegevens bewaren, hebben steeds het recht om:

  1. inzage te verkrijgen in hun persoonsgegevens;
  2. hun persoonsgegevens te laten verbeteren of aanvullen indien deze onjuist of onvolledig zijn;
  3. hun persoonsgegevens te laten verwijderen;
  4. de verwerking van hun persoonsgegevens te laten beperken;
  5. zich te verzetten tegen de verwerking van hun persoonsgegevens om een ernstige en legitieme reden;
  6. hun persoonsgegevens te laten overdragen aan een andere vennootschap.

Om bovenvermelde rechten uit te oefenen, kan u ons contacteren per post of via info@nanogrid.be Bij ontvangst van uw aanvraag zullen wij uw identiteit moeten kunnen verifiëren.


Artikel 7 – Klachten

Als u opmerkingen of vragen heeft over ons privacy beleid, horen we dit graag.

Alle personen waarvan wij persoonsgegevens bewaren hebben ook het recht om een klacht in te dienen bij de Commissie voor de Bescherming van de Persoonlijke Levenssfeer (Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel, commission@privacycommission.be).


Artikel 8 – Veiligheid

Wij passen minstens de gebruikelijke technische en organisatorische beveiligingsmaatregelen toe die redelijkerwijs van ons verwacht mogen worden om uw persoonsgegevens te beveiligen tegen vernietiging, verlies, wijziging, vervalsing, verspreiding of onrechtmatige toegang.

Persoonsgegevens worden slechts doorgegeven aan een partner in een land buiten de Europese Economische Ruimte mits dat land een passend beschermingsniveau waarborgt voor uw persoonsgegevens. Vooraleer persoonsgegevens te delen met een partner in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, vereisen wij een afzonderlijke verwerkingsovereenkomst of een certificering volgens het Privacy Shield Framework (www.privacyshield.gov).

Wij kunnen niet aansprakelijk gesteld worden voor een foutief of onrechtmatig gebruik van persoonsgegevens door een derde. U blijft daarnaast zelf verantwoordelijk voor de vertrouwelijkheid en het gebruik van uw computer, IP-adres, login- en identificatiegegevens.


Artikel 9 – Uw privacy

Uw privacy is belangrijk voor ons.

Wij stellen dan ook alles in het werk om deze zo goed mogelijk te beschermen en hechten veel belang aan de naleving van (i) de Wet van 8 december 1992 tot bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer ten opzichte van de verwerking van persoonsgegevens (zoals gewijzigd door de Wet van 11 december 1998, “Wet Verwerking Persoonsgegevens”); (ii) de anti-spambepalingen uit Boek XII van het Wetboek Economisch Recht omtrent het recht van de elektronische economie; en (iii) de Europese Verordening 2016/679 van 27 april 2016 betreffende de bescherming van persoonsgegevens (“Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming”).